A marketplace created by artisans for artisans!

For Customers

We are working hard to ensure the safety of everyone who participates in the Lethbridge Handmade Market. Please read through the following so that you know what to expect when you visit the market.
Customer Expectations:
Mandatory Market Masks: All guests, staff, volunteers, and vendors, are required to wear a mask when they are at the market as well as during setup and takedown (unless they have a medical exemption). Our door volunteers ensure that everyone has a mask, and have a few disposable masks available by donation in case anyone forgets to bring their own.
Several of our vendors sell masks and accessories! Shop safe, shop local.
Sanitization Stations: We offer free hand sanitizer when you arrive and throughout the market. Help yourself!
Directional Arrows: We have posted directional arrows on floors and dividers so that you know which way to go.
Distancing Requirements: We are asking everyone to keep 2 meters away from others at the market. Please be prepared to queue outside, and watch for distancing markers on the ground.
Hands to yourself: Please try to avoid handling vendor products. Our vendors have come up with some very creative ways for you to check out their products without touching them, so follow their directions!
Be efficient: Check out our list of vendors (on our website and on the Facebook event page) so that you can plan out your trip ahead of time. Feel free to make a few laps around the market, but please try to limit your time at the market as a courtesy to other shoppers. We miss the days of leisurely browsing too!
Dedicated shopping from 9:00-9:30am for vulnerable populations: If you’re part of a higher risk population, we welcome you to shop early on in the day. And if you’re not high risk, sleep in. Win-win.
Stay home if you’re sick: Please don’t put others at risk. Feel free to shop online if it’ll help you feel better!
Vendor Expectations:
Screening: Have you noticed a lot of green wristbands lately? Anyone who works or volunteers at the market is required to fill out a COVID-19 questionnaire and have their temperature taken when they arrive for setup. The wristband lets everyone know that they’ve passed our screening process.
Contactless options: You can tap to pay your entry fee, and many of our vendors have adopted contactless payment options as well.
Limiting their numbers: Vendors are limiting the number of employees and customers permitted at their booth.
Extra booth requirements: As per Alberta Health, our vendors are following many additional safety requirements, including increased booth spacing, the use of barriers, increased hand washing/sanitizing, and more.
Behind the scenes:
Increased cleaning: We’ve taken our cleaning regime up a notch! If you can Lysol it, we’ve Lysol-ed it. If you can launder it, we’ve laundered it. Before, during, and after the market.
Keeping up to date: We check Alberta Health for the latest news as often as we handwash! We thank you for your patience with any last minute changes we have to make.